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Annual Ebenezer Burgess 1831 President’s Award

Since the creation of the annual Ebenezer Burgess 1831 President’s Award in 2012, much discussion and excitement ensues each year as to who the recipient will be. In selecting an outstanding employee, we consider activities and traits such as volunteer efforts, camaraderie, and “going above and beyond.” Through this process, the right name invariably rises to the top of the list and an exceptional winner is chosen and celebrated.

However, 2020 was different.

Less than three months into the year, COVID-19 impacted everyone’s life, both personally and professionally. Like other essential businesses, Dedham Savings had to pivot quickly to continue to provide excellent service to our customers as health guidelines and restrictions were put into place throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Old jobs had to be learned and performed in new ways as many employees began to work remotely. With social distancing, employees switched to serving and supporting customers primarily via drive-up windows, phones, and digital channels. All while maintaining health and safety protocols and supporting customers who were concerned about their financial stability during the uncertainty of a global pandemic.

During this period of intense activity and change, Dedham Savings also participated in the SBA’s (Small Business Administration) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as part of the government’s economic relief package. At the same time, the bank experienced a record year for Mortgage volume, which was felt throughout the banking industry. This staggering loan volume meant late nights working overtime and many employees volunteering across departments to help process each loan.

All of this came into play during deliberations about this year’s award, as each top-performing employee was mentioned and yet another came to mind. It soon became clear that outstanding performances happened throughout the bank as employees came together to support each other, our customers, and our community during an unprecedented year. Every Dedham Savings employee contributed to keeping each other and our customers safe in the face of COVID. Every employee helped to provide stability and continued service to customers, and every employee deserves the award.

Peter Brown, Dedham Savings President & CEO, has announced that the winners of this year’s Ebenezer Burgess 1831 President’s Award are: “The 2020 Employees of Dedham Savings.” Congratulations to all Dedham Savings employees on being chosen for this honor and rewarded for their dedication!

Past recipients of the Ebenezer Burgess 1831 President’s Award include: Jose Camacho, Jaclyn Tilks, Valleri Lovely, Shara Colantuoni, Paul Pelletier, Deleila Mouawad, Lori Favreau and Michael Brennan.

Member FDIC. Member DIF.

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