
Financial Wellness

Simple Savings

Everywhere you look, it seems like prices are higher than ever. Gas? Outrageous. Groceries? Sky high. When everything is so expensive, it’s time to tap into your savings skills. Here are some simple shopping tips to help you stay within your monthly budget.

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Back to School Spending

With inflation at levels not seen in decades, parents are already anticipating that shopping for back-to-school supplies will cost more in 2022 than in previous years.

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Financial Milestones for Young Adults

As with so many things in life, it pays to start early. As in, starting early in adulthood to build up a solid credit history so when it comes time to borrow for big-ticket items such as homes and automobiles, lenders will be more inclined to offer you low-interest rates so you can potentially save thousands over the course of a loan.

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Budgeting for Beginners

If you get to the end of the month and wonder where all your money went, it may be time for a budget!

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