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Dedham Savings Community Foundation Supports Bay State Learning Center

The Dedham Savings Community Foundation has donated $10,000 to the Bay State Learning Center in Dedham.  This grant will be used to replace computers and laptops as well as repair workspace damage caused by a recent flood. The funding is critical to help rebuild classrooms and provide the necessary technology for students to access a wide range of classes and workshops.


The Bay State Learning Center (BSLC) was founded in Dedham in 2014 to provide an alternative for children who are not thriving in a traditional educational environment. BSLC offers engaging classes, diverse peer groups, dedicated mentors, and activities that encourage dynamic self-directed learning. The Center promotes a culture of autonomy and self-determination while supporting students with active mentorship in reaching their goals and engaging their interests successfully.


The Dedham Savings Community Foundation is a privately funded foundation created by Dedham Savings in 2000 to provide financial support to charitable organizations that serve disadvantaged populations within the Bank’s community reinvestment area. These communities include Dedham, Needham, Norwood, Sharon, South Boston, Walpole, and Westwood and contiguous areas.  Typical requests are received from schools, libraries, family service organizations and non-profit organizations.  The Trustees of the Foundation accept grant requests from community organizations and make awards twice per year.

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