Dedham Savings Community Foundation Supports Destination Downtown, Walpole
Rick Ward | Destination Downtown, Walpole
The Dedham Savings Community Foundation has donated to Destination Downtown, Walpole. Grant funds will be used to beautify the underutilized alleyways that connect the municipal parking lots to the Main Street business district in downtown Walpole. New public art showcasing beautiful large murals that depict and identify downtown Walpole as a destination will be featured. In addition to activating the alleyways with colorful and creative murals, other future amenities in the alleyways such as sitting benches, bistro lighting, sculptures and flower planters are planned.
Founded in June 2019, Walpole Downtown Partnership, also known as Destination Downtown, partners with local, county and state leaders and organizations to bring cultural events, aesthetic improvements and business resources to Walpole’s downtown area. The Main Street Murals project is a campaign to raise funds to help cover the costs associated with the mural installation and beautification initiative.
The Dedham Savings Community Foundation is a privately funded foundation created by Dedham Savings to provide financial support to charitable organizations that serve disadvantaged populations within the Bank’s community reinvestment area. These communities include Dedham, Needham, Norwood, Sharon, South Boston, Walpole, Westwood, and contiguous areas. Typical requests are received from schools, libraries, family service organizations and non-profit organizations.
The Trustees of the Foundation accept grant requests from community organizations and make awards twice per year. Organizations wishing to request funding from the Foundation may apply online at
Incorporated in 1831, Dedham Savings is one of the oldest banks in Massachusetts still doing business under its original charter. The Bank delivers technology-driven solutions in a client-centric way to promote the financial success of the individuals, families, businesses, and non-profit organizations in the communities it serves. Dedham Savings manages $2.4 billion in assets through full-service locations and loan offices in Dedham, Needham, Norwood, Sharon, South Boston, Walpole, and Westwood, Massachusetts. Dedham Savings is Member FDIC, Member DIF, and an Equal Housing Lender.