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Dedham Savings Community Foundation Supports Mother Brook Arts and Community Center

The Dedham Savings Community Foundation has donated $50,000 to Mother Brook Arts and Community Center (MBACC). This grant will be used toward installing an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant elevator in the performance center. Funding will help update the 100-year-old building to address accessibility and safety concerns, as well as ensure that the organization is eligible to receive future grants from other sources.


MBACC’s mission is to build a vibrant and sustainable center that enriches the Dedham community
and stimulates the revitalization and growth of the Mother Brook neighborhoods through the arts. MBACC is the first and only community-wide, multigenerational, large-scale arts project in Dedham. It is a catalyst for revitalization, enrichment, and economic development for the neighborhood, town and region as an arts and cultural destination. MBACC provides indoor and outdoor community gathering space; regularly scheduled performances and events and an arts education program that affordably serves all segments of Dedham’s population and surrounding towns.


The Dedham Savings Community Foundation is a privately funded foundation created by Dedham Savings in 2000 to provide financial support to charitable organizations that serve disadvantaged populations within the Bank’s community reinvestment area. These communities include Dedham, Needham, Norwood, Sharon, South Boston, Walpole, and Westwood and contiguous areas.  Typical requests are received from schools, libraries, family service organizations and non-profit organizations.  The Trustees of the Foundation accept grant requests from community organizations and make awards twice per year.

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