Dedham Savings Community Foundation Supports Storytime Crafts, Inc.

Charlie Toczylowski | Dedham Savings
The Dedham Savings Community Foundation has donated to Storytime Crafts, Inc. in Needham. Grant funds will be used to purchase storage and organization equipment to assist in organizing and processing donated items during the donation intake process. Additionally, a portable wagon will be purchased to make transporting and delivering donations to site locations more convenient.
Storytime Crafts was established with the purpose of uniting communities to enhance inclusive childhood literacy opportunities. Their primary mission is to promote diverse children’s book authors and to distribute literacy resources across various communities, especially to communities who have limited access to resources.
The Dedham Savings Community Foundation was formed by Dedham Savings for the purpose of funding requests from community organizations which provide services to the communities that they serve. These communities generally, but not exclusively, include Dedham, Needham, Norwood, Sharon, South Boston, Walpole, and Westwood. Typical requests are usually received from such organizations as schools, libraries, family service organizations and non-profit organizations.
The Trustees of the Foundation will accept grant requests from community organizations and make awards twice a year. Organizations wishing to request funding from the Foundation may apply online on our Community Giving Page.
Incorporated in 1831, Dedham Savings has assets of over $2.3 billion. Its mission is to promote financial strength and success in the individuals, families, and businesses of the communities it serves. Dedham Savings offers a broad range of financial and electronic banking services to individuals, businesses, and organizations through full-service locations in Dedham, East Dedham, Needham, Norwood, Sharon, South Boston, Walpole, and Westwood.