Dedham Savings Community Foundation Pledges Support To Local Food Pantries In Wake Of Coronavirus Impact

The Dedham Savings Community Foundation has pledged $25,000 in grants to support local food pantries in communities served by the Bank, according to an announcement by Peter Brown, Dedham Savings President & CEO. This special funding program is a direct response to COVID-19, and the impact it is having on local businesses and individuals.
Stated Brown, “We know these are extraordinarily challenging times for households, businesses, governmental agencies, and the local nonprofits that serve those of limited means within our communities. As can be expected when unemployment rises, local food pantries are seeing an acceleration of requests for food. These funds should offer some relief, and we are thankful for the important work these organizations do for those in need.”
Noted Mark Ingalls, Dedham Savings Chief Financial Officer, “We thank the Foundation board for their quick and unanimous response to our request to utilize funds in this manner, even though it falls outside our normal funding calendar. We know that many organizations, including these food pantries, are coping with incredible challenges at this time, and we want to help.”
Selected organizations have been notified by the Bank and will receive Foundation grant funds within the week.
About Dedham Savings Community Foundation
The Dedham Savings Community Foundation is a privately funded foundation created by Dedham Savings in 2000 to provide financial support to charitable organizations that serve disadvantaged populations within the Bank’s community reinvestment area. These communities include Dedham, Needham, Norwood, Sharon, South Boston, Walpole, and Westwood and contiguous areas. Typical requests are received from schools, libraries, family service organizations and non-profit organizations. The Trustees of the Foundation accept grant requests from community organizations and make awards twice per year.