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New 15/1 Adjustable Rate Mortgage

Contact us today to learn more about our NEW 15/1 Adjustable-Rate Mortgage!

Buying a house is pricey, especially in Boston-area communities. One way to make things a little more manageable is with the Dedham Savings NEW 15/1 Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM).

As a buyer, you want a monthly payment that leaves enough room in your budget for your other expenses and your savings goals. And you want to minimize your long-term cost so that you’re not unnecessarily spending money on interest that could be going toward other priorities.

With the Dedham Savings NEW 15/1 ARM, you’ll get a lower initial interest rate for a full 15 years! After that, the loan resets, meaning there is a new interest rate based on current market rates. This is then the rate until the next reset the following year.

Advantages of a 15/1 ARM

  • Enjoy lower initial interest rates with lower payments than comparable fixed-rate Mortgages
  • Get a fixed rate for the first 15 years, then a 1-year adjustable interest rate
  • Interest rate caps set a limit on how high your rate can go
  • The low initial payment may enable you to qualify for a larger loan
  • Refinancing options are available

Contact us today to learn more about our NEW 15/1 Adjustable-Rate Mortgage!

Loans subject to credit approval. Dedham Savings NMLS# 473990.
Member FDIC. Member DIF.  Equal Housing Lender.

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