PHONE & TEXT ALERT: If you receive a call or text that appears to be from Dedham Savings, remember that Dedham Savings will never call or text you and request your Online Banking User ID or password, Debit Card PIN, One Time Pin Code that is received via text, etc. Don’t give out your banking credentials to anyone! Contact us directly if you have questions or need more information about this type of scam.

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With a Money Market1, it pays to be good at saving. The higher your balance, the higher your rate. You’ll also have easy access to your funds. And since your money stays liquid, it’s never tied up—it’s right there whenever you need it.

View our current rates to choose a Money Market Account. You can even open it online!

The Perks

Insurance shield icon

Fully Insured Deposits

With this account, you can rest insured. Unlike most banks and credit unions, your funds are insured in full up to any amount.1

Debit card icon

Free ATM Card

With a free ATM card, you can easily access your funds wherever you go. And speaking of deposits and withdrawals…

24/7 icon

Easily Access Your Account

In-branch, via online or mobile banking, or at an ATM. Choose to save your money or spend it—this account works for you.

Coin slot icon

Higher Rates for Higher Balances

Get a great APY1, and watch it increase along with your savings.

  1. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum deposit of $10 required to open account. $5.00 fee imposed every statement cycle if minimum daily balance for cycle falls below $1,000. Does not apply to Preferred Money Market Account or Premium Money Market Account. Fees may reduce earnings. Deposits are insured up to current FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) limits and by the DIF (Depositors Insurance Fund) for all additional balances, up to any amount.
Online banking mobile menu.

Mobile App

Bank anywhere, anytime, and any way you want.

To start using Mobile Banking, be sure to sign up for Online Banking first.

Deposit Checks

Now you can deposit checks in a snap. Literally. Just take a picture.

Send and Receive Money Instantly

With Zelle®, you can easily send money in minutes to your friends and family, straight from your Checking account in the Dedham Savings mobile app. It doesn’t even matter where they bank.

Personal Finance

Use this free service in Online Banking & Mobile Banking to view all your accounts in one location, create budgets, manage spending, set goals, and more.

View Your Credit Score

Get instant access to your credit score, credit report, and credit monitoring.

Control Your Cards

With Debit Card Controls, you control when, where, and how your Debit Card can be used.

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I’m ready to open an account!

We’re so glad you’ll be joining the family. We’re here for your journey, and we can’t wait to support you along the way.

I’m not sure yet.

That’s okay. Take a look at our other account options. If you’ve got questions, just remember — we’re here with answers.

Certificate of Deposit

Choose the length of your CD term (anywhere from 3 months to 5 years) and enjoy our top interest rates the whole time.

Start Up Savings

Designed for first-time savers, this account helps you save faster. Way faster. At 5.00% APY1, you’ll reach those goals before you know it.