PHONE & TEXT ALERT: If you receive a call or text that appears to be from Dedham Savings, remember that Dedham Savings will never call or text you and request your Online Banking User ID or password, Debit Card PIN, One Time Pin Code that is received via text, etc. Don’t give out your banking credentials to anyone! Contact us directly if you have questions or need more information about this type of scam.

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Tips to Create a Wise Spending Plan

Prior planning pays! It’s never too early or too late to create a budget or a spending plan for using your money wisely.  To start, it can be helpful to set short and long-term financial goals and manage your money to meet them. 


  • Live within your means.
  • Be a smart shopper, and compare prices and quality.
  • Track your spending habits and develop a budget or spending plan.
  • Plan for short-term and long-term financial goals.


  • A good way to take control of your spending is to set the maximum amounts you plan to spend each week or each month. Once you’ve set the maximum, stick with your plan.


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